Our mission
and vision

Properly evaluate the values of pharmaceuticals
and medical devices.

Pharmacoeconomics (medical economic assessment) and health technology assessment (HTA) provide
important evidence for evaluation of values
and consideration of appropriate prices of pharmaceuticals and medical devices.
CRECON Medical Assessment Inc. (CMA) employs statistical analysis
and high-precision simulation for model construction and cost-effectiveness analysis.
CMA is committed to supporting the development of medical industries including pharmaceuticals
and medical devices by using its expertise.


Solve our clients’ problems with statistical analysis
and modeling technology.

Health and medical care should be prerequisites to human life.
To meet the expectations, the pharmaceuticals and medical device industries
are making efforts for research and development.
However, the cost-effectiveness of pharmaceuticals and medical devices is attracting attention
because of increasing medical expenses.
Thus, a new system for accurately evaluating their economic values is needed.
In April 2019, a system for examining cost-effectiveness was introduced
into the pricing rules for pharmaceuticals and medical devices.

We have been evaluating the values of pharmaceuticals and medical devices by utilizing our expertise
—statistical analysis and model construction
—we have gained over the years through pharmacoeconomics (medical economic assessment)
and health technology assessment (HTA).
Our mission is to offer numerous solutions to problems associated with pharmaceuticals and medical devices.
We are pursuing “value-based pricing” using cost-effectiveness analysis.


Highly motivated professionals
Consolidate the organization through the accumulation of knowledge and wisdom.

In Europe and the United States, pharmacoeconomics (medical economic assessment) and health technology assessment (HTA) are being put to practical use as de facto prerequisites.
Furthermore, in Japan, a system to examine cost-effectiveness was introduced into the pricing rules
for pharmaceuticals and medical devices in April 2019.
In the future, pharmacoeconomics and HTA should be urgently familiarized
in the pharmaceuticals and medical device industries.
However, it is difficult to collect various data required for analysis
and evaluate them accurately from a professional perspective.
We support efforts to assess cost-effectiveness in healthcare.

We are “highly motivated professionals.”
We aim to expand the foundation of the organization through accumulation of the latest expertise and wisdom.
We will continuously improve perspective for pharmacoeconomic and statistical analyses
to support the sustainable development of the pharmaceuticals and medical device industries.

TOPEnglishOur strength

Cost-effectiveness analysis

To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of pharmaceuticals and medical devices by pharmacoeconomics (medical economic assessment), many specialized technologies and knowledge should be combined. We evaluate the cost-effectiveness of medical technologies using advanced modeling and statistical analysis technologies that we have developed over many years.

  • Cost-effectiveness analysis
  • Decision-making model construction
  • Review of previous studies
  • Systematic review
  • Indirect comparison/
    network meta-analysis
  • Budget impact analysis
    in the introduction of new pharmaceuticals

Burden of illness analysis

The socio-economic burden of disease is correlated with the therapeutic value of the disease. However, the estimation of such disease burdens is hardly done. We conduct burden of illness analysis to estimate epidemiological parameters, including the numbers of patients and events, long-term survival rates, and medical expenses.

  • Quantification of a target disease’s
    financial burden
  • Estimation and prediction of the number of patients
  • Estimation of lifetime medical expenses
  • Estimation of expected survival time

Real-world data/
Patient outcome data analyses

Real-world data, such as medical and receipt data, and patient outcome data are analyzed based on advanced statistical knowledge and technology.

  • Planning of survey/
    Development of protocols
  • Medical data analysis
  • Claims data analysis
  • QOL survey
  • Conjoint analysis/
    Discrete choice experiment (DCE)
  • Exploratory analysis

and other consulting services

We support in-house educational and enlightenment activities related to pharmacoeconomics (medical economic assessment) and health technology assessment (HTA), and provide consulting services. Furthermore, we provide consulting services based on review and summarization of technology appraisal (TA) by the UK’s National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE).

  • Lecture/Workshop
  • Other consulting services
  • Review of NICE TA